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what do you do and learn on tec sidemount course?

During Tec Sidemount course you will learn to plan and make dives using sidemount equipment with two main cylinders and up to four deco/stage cylinders. Your maximum depth stays as what your other qualifications say but you can enjoy also Tec Diving without weight of heavy doubles in your back. I recommend doing your Tec Sidemount training before continuing into other Tec Programs. You learn to "think and act as tec diver" before you really become one.

You can start Tec Sidemount course if you are at least 18 years of age, AOW certified diver with at least 30 dives in your logbook. EANx certification is recommended but not required.

Your training starts with self study. You will read chapters from Tec Sidemount Diver manual and fill in Knowledge Reviews before we meet. You also write down all questions that comes in to your mind whilst reading so you do not forget to ask during training.

When we meet I will go through you homework while you fill in you paperwork after which we prepare equipment for water training.
Besides theory we make practical applications, skills training in pool or confained water once or twice, depending on you and your learning. We also make four open water dives. Two first open water dives we make with main cylinders only, two last with deco/stage tanks.

I train Tec Sidemount courses in Finland, Thailand (Phuket) and Jordan (Aqaba). Remember that you pay for your training but earn your certification. If you show lack of attitude or do not learn motoral skills to Tec level you can earn your certification by making program for second time - against new course fee, obviously.

Price for Tec Sidemount course is thb19900 in Phuket

Send email or give a call +66 63 0605608, skype= jpsukeltaja to book TEC Sidemount diver Course with me.

DAN Partner

Sivu päivitetty 13.6.2016

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