1. I am up-to-date. I do all level courses all the time, not just IDCs.
- I use my own experience in Instructor Training
- I have myself tried things I am tallking about
- I do follow what other Instructors do, that´s how You learn the best
2. I use discussion as training method.
- We discuss and think solutions, that´s how You remember better and longer time.
- We don´t study "WHAT" but rather "WHY" and WHAT HAPPENS IF..."

I train you for life after IE, examination you have to manage yourself but if you passed me that should not be a problem
- Also we can take discussion to environment where YOU willl be working as certified
3. Always there is time to
- discuss about it
- make an extra exersice
- Check things from Your Instructor Manual
I usually run small groups so it is easier to discuss and ask. Sometimes it is even possible to follow a course during IDC and see how I am doing things we have been discussing.
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Page Updated 25.1.2023